• Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)

  • Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists

Hello, my name is Katarina.

I have founded my practice because I’m passionate about helping people make positive, lasting changes in their lives. Empowering those wanting to change what is not working for them fills my heart. Through hypnotherapy I’m able to guide you to shift your mindset, gently addressing issues to find a clear path so that you can live the life you imagine.

Through my own self-discovery journey, I gained invaluable insights into many challenges one might encounter along the way. Trying out various alternative therapies opened up a world of possibilities.

It wasn’t until I studied Diploma of Hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming it all fell into place and I realised that all roads do not lead to Rome, but to the mighty unconscious mind.

My personal experiences together with study and training cemented my view that every human being has the resources they need to deal with the issues they are going through in a way that is appropriate for them, to heal past and move forward, towards endless possibilities.

Equipped with the knowledge and practice hours under my belt, I now assist others to reconnect with their Self, work through challenges so that you too can come out the other end and enjoy living life fully, again.

As a hypnotherapist, I strive to create a safe, calm and confidential space where you feel comfortable to explore and work through whatever difficulty there is in your life right now, guiding you towards the outcome you desire. I look forward to meeting you.