A boutique hypnotherapy practice focused on real results for you

Have you ever felt your personal circumstances make you feel stuck, unhappy, burnt out or unable to live the life you imagined?

Have you analyzed something over and over again and found you are no closer to any resolution? Or do you simply feel overwhelmed by life, day in and day out?

Hypnotherapy is a gentle way of dealing with all sorts of issues that other approaches struggle to shift. Anxiety, weight-loss, chronic pain, smoking cessation, IBS, sleep problems, behavioural problems in children, sport performance, depression or addictions to name a few.

We are here to support you in working your way through any difficulties, moving you onto a positive path, so that you can live your life to the fullest. Experience the positive change in life - book your Free 15 minute phone discussion.

You can’t affect the cards that are dealt, but you can determine how you play them.
— Milton Erickson


  • “I reached out to Katarina to help me with my mental state after I underwent surgery and chemotherapy for stage 3a ovarian cancer. She was extremely capable in helping me overcome my fears and stress, she put me at ease and taught me techniques that assisted me on my journey greatly. I put a lot of faith in Katarina and I was not let down. I can’t recommend her highly enough."

    S. L.

  • “As an aspiring tennis player, I reached out to Katarina to help me with my mindset. During sessions I felt I was able to open up about how I feel and my past experiences. I liked how she asked thought provoking questions - it helped me see things in a different light and find answers to my questions. I noticed a huge improvement on court and in life. I’m a lot more positive in all aspects of my life and my game has improved.”

    E. L.